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"The first is whether one can keep their income stable under the current gloomy financial environment. The other is whether their income is enough to support their life in case of sudden changes," Feng said, adding that generally speaking, a person with a monthly income of 9,000 yuan has five years' work experience and is at a turning point in life, for example, getting married, having a baby or job promotion.

"The living cost goes up when changes happen, which can affect life quality," Feng explained.

But most local people seemed to believe that living happily is more a matter of attitude rather than money, even in cities with a higher consumption level.

"I think it is the survey that is causing panic among people. Many of my friends earn less than 9,000 yuan a month and live a happy life in Shanghai. Being comfortable or not depends very much on one's lifestyle," said Vanessa Qi, an employee of a local real estate company.

Qi cited one of her friends, surnamed Xia, as an example. Xia, 23, earns about 5,000 yuan a month. She spends 1,500 yuan on rents and sends 1,000 yuan home to her parents. She has almost no savings but enjoys working and hanging out with her friends.