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31. Have your own social media page
31. 拥有自己的社交网站主页

32. Bound through a forest
32. 穿越森林

33. Have a personalised kennel
33. 有自己的专属狗窝

34. Go on a boat and get your sea legs
34. 坐船(不晕)

35. Play frisbee on the beach
35. 在海滩上玩飞盘

36. Receive your own birthday card
36. 收到生日贺卡

37. Steal someone's lunch when they're not looking
37. 趁人不注意偷吃某人的午餐

38. Watch an entire episode of 'The Washing Machine'
38. 完整看一集《洗衣机》(英国电影)

39. Eat doggy ice cream
39. 吃汪星人冰淇淋

40. Create a diversion and steal another dog's dinner
40. 制造恶作剧,偷吃其他汪星人的晚餐

41. Rug a doggy marathon
41. 在地毯上跑马拉松

42. Receive a doggy birthday cake
42. 收到汪星人生日蛋糕

43. Rip the stuffing out of a pillow or cushion
43. 咬破枕头或靠垫

44. Unwrap birthday presents
44. 打开生日礼物

45. Watch Lassie on TV

46. Be in a family portrait
46. 跟主人家一起拍全家福

47. Have a stand off with your own reflection
47. 在镜子前吓得跑掉

48. Have a favourite local pub
48. 有自己在当地最爱的酒吧

49. Star in a YouTube video
49. 有自己的YouTube视频

50. Sleep in a boutique dog hotel
50. 住一次高级的汪星人旅店