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英国6岁女孩成功帮母亲接生 多亏平时爱看医疗剧

"My husband was downstairs on the phone for 12 minutes and a few minutes after she was born two ambulances turned up. They were shocked that Francesca was holding her in towels.
“我丈夫在楼下打了12分钟电话,在她出生后几分钟内两辆救护车就赶到了。他们看到弗朗西斯用毛巾包裹着婴儿的时候,都 吓呆了。”

"We watched Casualty last week where a lady gave birth with no help and she was like 'that's your story mummy'."
“我们上周看的《急诊室》里有一个女人在没有帮助的情况下产下孩子,她表现出来的就像是在告诉我 ‘那就是妈妈你的故事’。”

Shop assistant Kay, who lives with Michael and their two daughters in Bearwood, Birmingham, started having contractions every 20 minutes on July 16 this year.

The following day she went into the birthing centre she had chosen but she was discharged because she was only in the early stages of labour.

Finally, just before 10pm on July 17, Kay’s waters broke after she went to the toilet. Her screaming woke up six-year-old Francesca - who came to her mum's aide as dad Michael went downstairs to call 999.

The delivery took just ten minutes after Kay’s waters broke and after an overnight stay in hospital, the mum and baby Roisin were discharged.

Francesca, who wants to be a doctor when she grows up, said: "I had to keep mummy calm. I didn't want the cord to be wrapped around her neck because she might have died and I held her when she was born to keep her safe.

"I don't know how I knew about it but I do watch Casualty and like it a lot. She (Roisin) is nearly four months now so will be eating some proper food soon."

Mum Kay added: "The next day Francesca went to school and proudly told everyone how she helped deliver her baby sister.

"Michael and I are so proud of her and we can’t wait to tell Roisin, when she’s older, how her sister helped bring her into the world."