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The "western" toilet is making inroads into China and in big citiesand airports, you'll find a few of them in the row of toilets inthe bathroom. However, there are still lots and lots and lots ofsquatty potties and likely as not, you'll venture into one. It'snot as hard as it seems, but it's good to know what you're gettinginto before you go.。。

1. Pack Tissues.
1. 装好卫生纸

Before you even leave the hotel, make sure you'vegot portable toilet paper with you. Lots of public restrooms don'tprovide it. Wet wipes and hand sanitizer are also good to havealong as if there's a sink, there may not be any soap, and probablyno towels either。

2. Plan Your Business 1.
2. 计划你的旅游A

"Preventive Peeing" or going before you gois a good way to avoid getting caught in a place that won't have anice toilet. (Nice doesn't necessarily mean Western by the way。)Pretend you're all five years old and make sure everyone goesbefore you leave the house。

3. Plan Your Business 2.
3. 计划你的旅游B

If you're going to be out and about, thinkabout where you'll be and try to plan some pit-stops in between.Especially in big cities, international hotels, upscale restaurantsand shopping malls will have clean washrooms with most of theamenities (toilet paper, Western toilets, soap and towels).Placesto avoid using the bathroom: large markets (especially outdoormarkets), street-side public bathrooms (though they're improving),tourist spots。

4. Bag Hand-Off。

If you can, hand any unnecessary bags to a friend while you use thewashroom. There are generally no hooks and you'll need your handsto balance, to dig around your purse for tissues and to hold on tothe door if the lock is broken。