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5. Queuing Up.
5. 排队这件事儿

If you find yourself outside the comfort of yourhotel, don't panic. It won't be unbearable. Queues in China don'twork the same way as they do in the States. Women generally line upin front of a particular stall rather than hang back as one opens.This can create a free-for-all so it's best to stick to one doorand keep your eye on it. If it happens not to be a Western toilet,better to get in there than re-queue. Many times, doors havepictures or signs indicating Western or squat-style toilets. Also,check the lock, if it's red, then it's occupied. Green means freebut always knock。

6. Pants Check.
6. 检查好你的裤子

I don't want to scare you but some washrooms arerather wet - either from splash effect or the toilet maid (usuallythere is someone assigned to sit in the washroom and clean it)running amok with her mop. Either way, it's not moisture you wanton your new linen trousers. If it's wet, roll them up, especiallyif you're in line for a squat toilet. If you see other Chineseladies rolling, then be sure to. They know something youdon't。

7. The Squat.
7. 蹲下

OK, well, you've found yourself in a squatty potty.It's really not that bad and many argue it's actually healthier togo this way than sitting down. Whatever, if you're not used to it,squatting can be really difficult. Face forward and try to let yourpants down while ensuring that the ends are up (hopefully you'verolled) and not touching the floor. There are grooved places foryour feet on either side of the toilet. Try to get somewhere in themiddle, feet flat on the floor (you don't want to fall in, believeme) and aim for the potty。

8. Paper Discard
8. 扔掉卫生纸

Not in the Pot! Chinese plumbing in publicrestrooms generally doesn't handle paper. If you can remember,please put anything other than #1 or #2 in the basket. Try as hardas you can NOT to look at the basket, it's usually open and teemingwith things on which you'd rather not lay eyes。

9. Finish Up.
9. 结束

Out you go, you accomplished squat toilet user.Unroll your pants, wash your hands, if you can, and find yourfriends waiting for you outside。