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With the pressure of juggling work, children and the home, you might have thought a woman’s perfect day would mostly involve sitting in a spa doing, frankly, not a lot.

But you’d be wrong. In fact, according to a study, the top priority in a woman’s ideal routine would be a little romance with their partner – 106 minutes of it, to be precise.


Technology rules: After eight hours of uninterrupted sleep and 'intimate relations' came spending time on the computer.

After eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, next on the list was what the researchers termed ‘intimate relations’, followed by spending time on the computer, at 98 minutes, and socialising, on 82 minutes. The day was further broken down into 78 minutes relaxing, 56 minutes of shopping and 57 minutes talking on the phone.
受调查女性希望首先保证8小时连续睡眠,排在安排表第二位的就是研究人员所说的“亲密关系”,随后是98分钟的电脑时间, 和82分钟的社交时间。此外每天至少用78分钟来放松,用56分钟来购物,还有57分钟打电话。

Coffee o'clock: Socialising also came near the top of the list of things women wanted to spend their time doing.

Researchers asked 900 women with an average age of 38 what they do each day and how they feel about it, analysing their answers to produce the perfect daily routine.
研究人员调查了900名平均年龄在38岁左右的女性,询问她们每天的日常安排及感受,通过分析她们的回答得出了这个 “女性完美一天”的安排表。

Me time: The ideal day was further broken down into 78 minutes of relaxing.

The study concluded that variety was the most important thing – which perhaps explains why the list also includes 68 minutes exercising and 36 minutes working.

Despite most men thinking that women love to spend time shopping, the survey said differently.