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中国男子因老婆太丑 将其告上法庭获赔75万

2012-10-30来源:daily mail

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But for one man from northern China, this was not the case.

Earlier this year, Jian Feng, divorced and sued his wife for being ugly. That’s not a joke. Neither is this: That man recently won the lawsuit.

中国男子因老婆太丑 将其告上法庭获赔75万

He won his case and was awarded a little under £75,000 by the judge, Fox 31 reported. Mr Feng said he took issue with his wife’s looks only after the couple’s daughter was born.
根据Fox 31新闻网站的报道,他最后打赢了官司,法官判给了他7.5万英镑的赔偿(约为75.8万人民币)。冯先生表示他是在女儿出生后才开始对妻子的长相产生了质疑。

He was shocked by the child’s appearance, calling her ‘incredibly ugly’ and saying she looked like neither one of her parents. Mr Feng was so outraged that he initially accused his wife of cheating.

Faced with the accusation, his wife admitted to spending around £62,000 on plastic surgery which had altered her appearance drastically.

She had the work done before she met her husband and never told him about it after they met.

Mr Feng filed for divorce saying his wife had deceived him and convinced him to marry her under false pretenses.

The judge agreed with him and awarded him the damages.