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4. The friend who doesn't know any of your other friends

We like integration. We like killing two birds with one stone by catching up with several groups of friends at once. But there are times when you need to make an S.O.S call to a friend who is completely uninvolved and removed from a situation who can offer objective advice so it a bonus that your friendship exists without orbiting around your other ones.

There is a level of privacy to this friendship that doesn't exist in friendship circles. It will be easier to share some of your hopes and dreams, fears and concerns knowing that they are not going to be discussed when you're not around.

5. The friend who is painfully honest

An honest friend will not always tell you what you want to hear, but they'll certainly tell you what you need to know like if he/she is really that into you. When you've got a crisis on your hands or need to make a quick decision they are your go-to. They're also there to keep you away from mixing paisleys and stripes.

This type of friend has the strength of feedback and is a pearl who will tell it to you straight when others won't or will sugarcoat things at the very least. This friend is someone who does it with good intentions and for your own benefit.

6. The friend you've known than you've known yourself

History. Sometimes it works to your advantage, other times it doesn't. This is that friend who sees you out of the context of your job, your relationship, your other friends and your life as it is now. This is the friend who knew you when you had pimples and a bowl cut.

There is something special about this person because they feel like home. It's nice and comforting to be around someone who has known you forever. This is a friend you never have to put on a brave face for. They know you better than you know yourself and accept you unconditionally.