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Ending your day on a good note will ensure that you look back on it with a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, making it easier to get up and go to work the next morning.Another reason to end your day the right way: it has a huge effect on the level of stress and happiness you carry home, which in turn can impact your health, your marriage and family life, your ability to sleep and your overall level of happiness. There is a list of 11 things all workers should do at the end of every work day.

1.Evaluate your to-do list. Make sure you are where you need to be on these activities and that you’ve accomplished as much as you could. If you aren’t satisfied with where you are, plan what you need to do and when you will do it so you don’t get further behind. If you could quickly get something done before you leave, do it. This will save you time the next morning.

2.Review your schedule for the next day.Make sure you’re aware of any meetings or calls for the following day. You can also use this opportunity to schedule time on your calendar to accomplish any remaining items from today’s to-do list. Think about one thing you are most looking forward to tomorrow. It will help you leave behind what’s happened today, enrich your current mood and help to put a full stop to your working day.

3.Tidy up. Before walking out the door take a few minutes to toss any trash, organize your paperwork and straighten up your desk. This will give that feeling of a fresh start when you arrive the next morning. You should also clean out your in-box. Block off at least 15 minutes at the end of your day to sort through those unnecessary CCs, happy hour invitations, and random solicitations. E-mails can stack-up fast and it’s easy to miss those critical ones when your in-box gets too backed-up.

4.Complete non-peak hour work. The end of the day is the best time to handle paperwork and tasks that don’t require phone contact. E-mails, reports, status memos and thinking projects are best handled when phone calls, texts and other distractions have subsided. Hopefully, you’ve maximized the peak hours to contact the people you need so that you can complete the administrative side of your job armed with their input. The end of the day is the time to determine who you need to reach first thing in the morning.

5.Get closure. Be sure to tie up any loose ends so that you can truly disconnect when you walk out the door. Be sure not to leave anything hanging that can quickly be taken care of. There is nothing worse than having that feeling of something hanging over your head. Take a few minutes to send that e-mail you’ve been meaning to send, respond to that request that you can quickly answer, or touch base with a colleague you been meaning to see.