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Are you getting the most out of Android? You may not know it, but some of the Google operating system's most useful features may not be in plain view.

This week, I gathered 10 tricks that could make using an Android device easier and more enjoyable. Since only a handful of devices currently run the latest Android operating system, known as Jelly Bean, I focused on features that work on the more prevalent version of Android known as Ice Cream Sandwich. Many of these tips work on devices that run Jelly Bean and some work on earlier versions of Android. Since there are so many Android phone models, names and wording may differ in some of these steps.
Google你用手机拍摄的任何照片或视频都可自动保存到Google+中一个名为“即时上传”的私人(默认)文件夹中。前不久,我收集了10个能让安卓设备用起来更加便利、更加愉快的窍门。由于只有少数一些设备运行被称为“Jelly Bean”的最新的安卓操作系统,因此我主要关注的是那些在更加常见的安卓版本──Ice Cream Sandwich──上可用的功能。其中许多技巧都可在运行Jelly Bean系统的设备上运用,有一些也适用于更早版本的安卓。由于搭载安卓系统的手机机型非常之多,其中一些操作步骤涉及的名称与说法可能会各有差异。

1. Easier Keyboarding
1. 更简便的键盘输入

To avoid switching from Android's letter keyboard to its number and symbol keyboard, hold down the period key to see commonly used punctuation marks and symbols. Slide your finger to the menu that appears, lifting it to select the right key.

If you can't stand tapping on glass to type on a virtual keyboard, try not lifting your fingers as much. Many Android devices come preloaded with Swype, which lets you type by dragging your finger from one letter to the next; lift your finger up when the word ends. It's remarkably accurate. To see if Swype is running on your device, spell out a word without lifting your finger. If connecting lines don't appear between each letter, tap and hold the space bar to see the Select Input Method screen and choose Swype. You can still type the old way, tapping one key at a time.

2. Unlock With Your Face
2. 脸部识别解锁

Instead of tracing a pattern on a screen or typing in a PIN, hold your Android device up and stare into its front-facing camera for a second to unlock it. This isn't as secure as other methods and doesn't always work, but it can be fun to use. To set this up go to Settings, Security, Screen Lock and choose Face Unlock. Set a backup PIN or pattern to trace for those moments when face detection doesn't work.

3. Screen Shots Made Simple
3. 轻松截屏

Capture a still image of any screen you're looking at by simultaneously pressing the power button and the volume down button. Find your screen shot in your Gallery under Screenshots or in the Notifications shade, which pulls down from the top of the screen. This feature only works in Android devices running Ice Cream Sandwich or later.
同时按下电源按钮和音量降低键可截取你正在观看的任何屏幕的静态图片。你可在“截屏”目录下的“图库”或是“通知栏”(可把它从屏幕顶端拉下)中找到你的截屏。该功能只适用于搭载Ice Cream Sandwich或更新版本的安卓设备。

4. Manage Screens
4. 管理屏幕

In Android, app icons and widgets are organized on several Home screens. There are two ways to rearrange or remove these screens. One way on certain phones is to swipe from right to left to get to the last screen on your phone, tap at the bottom of that last screen (an option may say Manage Pages) and then touch and hold a screen to rearrange its order or remove it. For a shortcut, tap and hold the phone's Home button for a second to jump directly to this.

5. Shortcut to Contacts
5. 快捷联系你的联系人

There's an easier way to get in touch with your favorite people: Pin their faces to a Home screen. Go to All Apps, Widgets, select the Contact widget, which will prompt you to choose a person's name from your contacts list. That person's photo and contact information will be pinned to Home, for faster texting, calling and social networking. A Favorite Contacts widget pins four together on the Home screen.