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1. Being Late For Work
1. 上班迟到

The Dream: Usually in this dream you either can't get to work on time or are missing a deadline.

What It Means:This dream is a really good indication that you feel like you're missing out on an opportunity or what you really want in your career.

2. Feeling UNPRepared For A Task
2. 感到工作准备不足

The Dream: This one is marked by anxiety over not being ready for a big presentation, event or work task. It's often specific to the profession, like an actor not knowing his lines.

What It Means: It can usually be connected to an upcoming event that you're nervous about, in which your performance will be judged. If it's recurring and not tied to anything specific, it may suggest a lack of confidence.

3. Getting Stuck In The Elevator
3. 被困在电梯里

The Dream: Workplace elevator dreams usually involve an elevator stalling, moving sideways or dropping down rather than going up.

What It Means: Elevators represent our ability to progress in our careers. If it's not moving smoothly upwards, it reflects your fear that your career is not progressing as it should.

4. Being Chased In The Office
4. 在办公室被人追

The Dream: Commonly people dream about being chased or threatened in the office, but often can't see the face of the personpursuing them.

What It Means: This dream typically represents something in waking life that you're pursuing, which is under threat. It's meant to draw attention to obstacles you're encountering.

5. Being Naked At Work
5. 上班时赤身裸体

The Dream: This dream involves being either completely naked or inappropriately dressed in the office. Usually the dreamer is panicked, but no one else in the dream seems to notice.

What It Means: This dream symbolizes feeling vulnerable and exposed at work. You may also be concerned about how others perceive you.