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6. Can't Find The Bathroom
6. 找不到洗手间

The Dream: The dreamer is usually wandering the halls and unable to find the bathroom. Alternately, he may be in the bathroom and can't close the door or the toilet is exposed without any doors.

What It Means: Any dream about a bathroom represents your fundamental needs, and if you cannot find one at work, it means your needs aren't being met or you're having trouble expressing them. If you can't secure the bathroom door, you need to establish clearer boundaries with colleagues.

7. Equipment Isn't Working

The Dream: In this dream, typically the phone, computer or printer is broken.

What It Means:It represents something in your waking life that isn't working. Most commonly the phone is dead, which may suggest a communication problem you're experiencing.

8. Getting Delayed At The Airport
8. 在机场被耽误

The Dream: Usually the dreamer arrives at the airport for a work trip, and there are massive lines or they get to the front and don't have the proper paperwork.

What It Means: Airports represent your ability to embark on something. Getting delayed may represent exterior obstacles or your own anxieties.

9. Losing Control Of A Car On The Way To Work
9. 上班路上车子失控

The Dream: Often the dreamer is driving and loses control of the car. Alternately, she may be on a train or bus that is swerving or off course.

What It Means: This represents your drive in your career and your efforts to make progress toward an objective. If the vehicle is spinning out of control, it means you feel that you don't have enough control in your waking life.

10. Sleeping With A Coworker
10. 和同事上床

The Dream: It involves inappropriate intimacy with a colleague or, more often, a boss. Usually there isn't a real attraction in waking life, so the dreamer wakes up feeling confused or concerned about what it means.

What It Means: If it's a coworker that you're not attracted to, it represents knowing that you need to unite with them on a project or goal, or that you want to take on a skill or personality trait they possess. Alternately, if it's a boss, it represents a subconscious recognition that you have a big idea, and you're trying to give yourself the power to act on it.