No. 6 睡眠至少6小时
Six hours and 15 minutes a night of un-interrupted sleep makes for the happiest people, a study commissioned by the British company Yeo Valley found.
The study asked adults ages 18 to 65 to rate their level of happiness on a scale of one to five. Those who slept around six hours and 15 minutes a night ranked the happiest.0
Slash your commute to 20 minutes.
No. 7 减少上下班路程到20分钟
From the same British study that found adults need to sleep at least six hours to be happy, the happiest respondents were also found to commute just 20 minutes to work.
Studies have showed that long commutes affect health, fitness, and happiness.
Make sure you can count 10 good friends.
No. 8 至少拥有10个好朋友
Can you count to 10?
Adults who said they had 10 good friends were happier than those who could count five or less close friends, research from Nottingham University found.
And it seemed the "more the merrier" really did apply. The more friends one had, the happier he or she seemed.
The study concluded that we should nourish our friendships to help enrich our own personal happiness.
Fake it till you make it.
No. 9 假装幸福直到你真的觉得幸福
It may seem like a lot of work, but acting happy when you're actually sad can actually make you feel happier.
Several studies have shown that just the act of smiling can cause people to experience happy feelings.
Find yourself a romantic relationship.
No. 10 拥有一段浪漫的恋情
Our relationships with our significant others have a large effect on our happiness, research has showed.
People in relationships were generally found to be happier than other people, and spouses have the highest sense of well-being, whether they are happily married or not, according to a study from Cornell University.
The stronger the commitment, the happier the people in the relationship were, the study found.
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