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一切为了<a href=http://www.hxen.net target=_blank class=infotextkey>学习</a>:大学教授怪招不断

In the digital age, getting students into classrooms is an increasingly challenging mission for university teachers, not to mention retaining their attention.

“It’s much harder to teach the post-90s generation,” said Chen Jixiu, a math professor at Fudan University. “They use smartphones and tablets to search for information, even during class. They get knowledge from a variety of sources, and consider it trivial to skip classes.” According to Chen, this phenomenon has forced teachers to adopt “odd tricks” for luring students to class. Here are some weird ideas picked up by 21st Century.

Food for thought

Rather than providing only moral encouragement, teachers at Wuhan University of Technology are offering tangible incentives to boost student attendance.

Students sitting in the first row of the health psychology course taught by professor Lei Wuming are rewarded with snacks.

“I’ve accumulated 7,000 fans on my micro blog, and most of them are my students,” said Lei, director of the university’s Development and Education Psychology Institution. “I wanted to express my thanks to those coming to listen, and to make the class more lively.”

Teacher vs phone

In the broadcasting and hosting course of Hankou University in Hubei, teacher Huang Huiqiong gives students permission to busy themselves with their cell phones during class.

They keep their heads down until they hear something interesting. If not, they can sit through the entire class without being disturbed and even give the teacher advice following the class. “A teacher is not the boss and students have the right to make content suggestions,” said Huang.