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Friendly blogs

You might hesitate to participate in class discussions, but what if you could send a message instead of speaking out loud? In the computer science course at Changsha University of Science & Technology (CUST), students can voice opinions via their cell phone.

“I open a micro blog webpage and when students text a message to the account it appears on the screen,” said teacher Huang Qiang.

Su Ying, 19, a sophomore at CUST, said: “I feel relaxed as I don’t like standing up and getting everybody’s attention.”

At Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, students who arrive at the laboratory early are rewarded with a message of praise on a micro blog named “BUPT CAD center attendance machine”. It might say something like: “Edison invented the first bulb; Bell invented the first telephone; and this morning, Xiao Li printed the first fingerprint.”

The machine, which sends a message whenever a student places their finger on it, was invented by Song Meina, a computer professor. “Students wrote the posts themselves. If they come first, they are praised in front of 2,000 fans,” the professor said.

Kung fu style

Splitting bricks by hand usually only happens in movies. But in a class at Sichuan University, Wei Yaoyong, dean of the computer science department, did just that. But he didn’t just want to attract attention.

“I wanted to tell my students that even when you only know some simple science principles, if you use them right, you can achieve great things,” said Wei. “I want them to know that university is not only about doing research, but also about employing your practical knowledge.”