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McKinsey & Co. consultant Paul Gao said Japanese auto makers in China need to catch up. 'Unless they are prepared to fight a full battle, their success will diminish further,' he said.
麦肯锡公司(McKinsey & Co.)的咨询师高旭说,日本汽车制造商需要在中国市场迎头赶上。他说,除非它们准备全力以赴,否则他们取得的成功将进一步缩小。

Given the importance of the market -- it will account for 35% of global auto-market growth by volume between 2011 and 2020, according to McKinsey -- failure in China isn't an option for any car maker.

Toyota Motor Corp. plans to introduce 20 new models in China over the next three years to cater to increasing demand from Chinese consumers, the company said Thursday.
丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)周四说,该公司计划未来三年在中国推出20款新车型,以满足中国消费者不断增长的需求。

Nissan Dongfeng's Venucia division will introduce up to five new models by 2015, including its e30 electric vehicle, which will be produced in China.

'Japanese, Korean, American…all cars have their benefits and disadvantages,' said the company's Mr. Ye. 'Japanese cars enjoy a reputation for quality. So in the face of competition, Japanese cars can win.'

Honda's Ms. Asanuma conceded that other car makers have been overtaking the Japanese auto maker in China. 'We need to make our brand stronger,' she said. The company is pushing ahead with plans to put a third production line at its factory in Zengcheng, outside Guangzhou, into operation in 2014, she said.

'We used to have many models that were designed with the U.S. market in mind and that was fine for the Chinese market of a decade ago,' she said. 'Now that's not good enough.'