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2012-11-30来源:Daily Mail

You may be one yourself, or you may live or work with one... the grumps who cannot bear to talk to anyone first thing in the morning.

Now a survey of 2,000 Britons has found that after waking up at an average time of 6.49 am, it’s another hour and 15 minutes before the grumps feel up to having a conversation. So, it’s not until around 8am that anyone should dare say a word to them.


More than half of the adults in the survey said they are grumpy in the morning, with 43 per cent of people saying they even avoid talking to their partner until they feel up to it.

Almost a third dodge conversation with their colleagues first thing, while 21 per cent even ignore their children.

Fourteen per cent have even broken up with someone, or had someone break up with them, because of their zombie-like state in the morning.

And around 70 per cent of those who commute on public transport say they dread strangers talking to them because they can’t bear to face anyone that early in the day, according to the survey commissioned by the makers of a new game app, Zombie Underground.
据新款苹果游戏“地下僵尸” 开发人调查显示,约有70%乘坐公共交通上班的人表示很讨厌陌生人上来攀谈,因为自己无法忍受一大早上有人在眼前晃荡。

Instead, 37 per cent bury themselves in a book to avoid making eye-contact with anyone, while another 34 per cent listen to music. And 16 per cent admitted to pretending to talk on their phone to dodge any unwanted chat.