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2012-11-30来源:Daily Mail
Researchers found a bad night’s sleep is most likely to put Brits in a bad mood in the mornings, followed by the dark winter mornings.

More than a third say they just simply take a little while to get going in the mornings while one in five get a grey cloud over their head when they look out their window at wind and rain. Another 19 per cent get down in the dumps worrying about their day ahead at work.
三分之一的人表示自己早上总要磨蹭一会儿才起得来;五分之一的人则表示,每次看到窗外风雨交加就会觉得心情超级郁闷。 另有19%的人上班前纠结郁闷,闹得一肚子怨气。

Jon Lucas, spokesman for Zombie Underground, which commissioned the study to mark the launch of a new app, said: “Mornings are a struggle for most people, especially in the winter.

‘Waking up after a bad night’s sleep, or knowing you have a long and stressful day ahead of you can put you in a bad mood before you have even stepped out of bed. Coupled with the dark mornings, bad weather and the thought of the commute to work, it’s no wonder that many people want to crawl back under the covers instead.

For 54 per cent of grumpy Brits, a simple cup of tea or coffee is all it takes to brighten their mood and help them to wake up.

Thirty-six per cent feel more with it after eating breakfast while 22 per cent resort to splashing cold water in their face. Listening to loud music or having a cold shower were named as other popular ways to get going after getting out of bed.