Many of us groan at the first signs of oncoming winter, and look for any excuse we can get to stay snuggled under those covers.
But hibernating indoors isn't the only way to stay warm -- there are far healthier (and less isolated) ways to heat up. Check out these eight ways to stay warm this winter, many of which even come with added health benefits.
1. Spend Time Being Social
1. 把时间花在交际上
If you're flipflopping between a night out with friends or a night under the covers, consider this: Spending time socializing could make you feel physically warmer than being alone. A study conducted by the University of Toronto researchers found that social exclusion literally feels cold. So despite the frigid temperatures and the temptation to hibernate, make an effort to spend some time with your buddies.
2. Get Nutty
2. 吃点坚果
Foods that are high in healthy fats -- like nuts -- help the body regulate its temperature, which is why people whose diets are deficient in fat often report feeling cold, Self magazine reported. So grab a handful when you feel the chill (just be mindful of portion sizes) and reap the many other benefits of nuts.
3. Snuggle Up
3. 蜷缩起来
As if you need more reason to cuddle up! Aside from the extra body heat, cuddling releases that feel-good hormone, oxytocin, that reduces stress and lowers blood pressure.
4. Get Moving
4. 动起来
Make an effort to exercise and you'll reap benefits beyond mood-boosting endorphins and maintaining a healthy weight.
Fitting in a sweat session will increase blood circulation throughout your body, which can help you stay focused, handle stressful situations and, of course, warm up. That's because when it's cold out, circulation in parts of the body, like the fingers, decreases, which is why those extremities are often the first to feel cold when the temperature drops, Livestrong reported.