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6. Positive performance
6. 有乐观的行动

Sleeping continuously for at least 7 hours in the night is necessary. Inadequate sleep will curb your ability to think creatively, cope up with stress and concentrate. All these stress factors will have a negative impact on your performance.

7. Helps metabolism
7. 有助新陈代谢

Our body needs to send away all the unwanted waste from within. Sleeping through the day till noon will disorganise the exile. We need to eat and sleep on time to maintain energy.

8. Reduce the risk of cancer
8. 减少得癌症的几率

Sleep in the dark. Light in the night reduces the melatonin level which is supposed to cause sleep and prevent the risk of cancer. So make your room dark and sleep early in the night allowing your body to produce melatonin.

9. Boosts energy
9. 养精蓄锐

Sleeping early will let you complete your 7 hours of sleep and makes you fresh the next morning. It gives you the energy to perform better. An alert mind can also concentrate well.

10. Maintains weight
10. 保持体型

When you sleep too late your organism is disturbed. Sleeping for less than 7 hours a day is an invitation to obesity. The hormones that impact appetite are troubled by lack of sleep which leads to sudden weight loss.