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1. Park Geun-hye, President of South Korea
1. 韩国总统朴槿惠

On Wednesday, South Koreans chose the daughter of South Korea’s Cold War strongman Park Chung-hee as the country’s next President. Park, the 60-year-old leader of the conservative Saenuri Party, defeated 59-year-old liberal challenger Moon Jae-in by a margin of about 3.5%. She will be the first female president of South Korea.

2. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
2. 德国总理默克尔

Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany and party leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Merkel is the first woman to have become Chancellor of Germany. Angela Merkel has been described as "the de facto leader of the European Union" and her cautious response to the euro crisis is backed by most Germans and her party.

3. Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State
3. 美国国务卿希拉里

Hillary Clinton is the 67th United States Secretary of State, serving in the administration of President Barack Obama. She has put into place institutional changes seeking to maximize departmental effectiveness and promote the empowerment of women worldwide, and has set records for most-traveled secretary for time in office. Hillary Clinton is believed to be preparing to step down from her position as Secretary of State, sparking widespread rumors about her potentially making her own run for the White House in 2016.

4. Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia
4. 澳大利亚总理吉拉德

Julia Gillard is an Australian politician who is the 27th Prime Minister of Australia and the Leader of the Australian Labor Party since 24 June 2010. Julia Gillard has delivered a chilling message on December 6 confirming what many people around the world feared: the Mayans were right.