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Wind Chimes

They say a good pleasing sound can instantly change your mood from bad to good. It brings happiness and spreads across the whole atmosphere. Hence wind chimes make a perfect gift for Christmas because it clears off the mind from stress especially in a stressful atmosphere at work. Hence wind chimes are definitely a recommended gift this Christmas.

Desk Clock

At work, in an atmosphere filled with deadlines and lots of work, a desk clock could be really helpful. Hence a desk clock could be a good Christmas gift for your co-worker. There are different desk clocks available in the market or you could even search online for desk clocks of different shapes and sizes. Just make sure it has a long lasting battery life and tells the time clearly.

A Basket Of Cookies

Christmas is the time to share sweets with your loved ones. Gift your co-workers this Christmas a basket of lovely cookies. You could purchase them or if it is possible prepare them at home. It is important that it is given with a lot of love. To make it even more special you could also add greetings and Christmas notes to the basket.

Bamboo Plants

It's been for generations now that Bamboo plants are considered to be lucky. It is said they not only bring good luck but they also improve relationships at the workplace or otherwise. Hence it is a recommended Christmas gift idea. Gift your co-worker a good luck bamboo plant this Christmas. And watch your relationship grow with your co-worker all year.

These are some of a few ideas which hopefully would help you find the most suitable Christmas gift for your co-workers. If you want the gift to be special make sure it's given thoughtfully and not just like a formality. May you have a blessed Christmas!