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6. Show you care. Communicate to others your concern and support. Sometimes we may not have relevant information or resources to help them, but just showing that we care can be a valuable gift in itself.
6. 表现关心。向别人传达你的关心和支持。有时我们可能没有能帮助他人的相关信息,但光表现出关心就是珍贵的礼物了。

7. Be respectful. Showing respect for others is a great gift. When people feel respected, they become engaged, open and receptive to what we have to say, rather than getting defensive. And chances are the respect will be mutual.
7. 尊重他人。对他人尊重是一份很好的礼物。当别人感到被尊重,他们会变得投入、开放,会更容易接受我们说的话,而不是充满了防御心。尊重也是互相的。

8. Smile. The first thing we typically hear when someone takes our photograph is, “smile.” That’s because a genuine smile has extremely attractive properties that people want to preserve and treasure. When we smile with sincerity, we transmit a visual image associated with kindness, warmth, happiness, approachability and trustworthiness. While a smile attracts others, a frown makes them want to run the other way.
8. 微笑。当别人给我们拍照时,他们说的第一句话一般是“笑一下”。那是因为真诚的微笑是吸引人的财富,人们希望看到微笑、珍藏微笑。当我们真心微笑时,我们传达出了与“和善、温暖、幸福、可接近和值得信任”相关的视觉信号。微笑能吸引他人,而皱眉只会让别人退避三舍。

9. Make people laugh. It causes people to laugh and relax, and someone who is relaxed is more capable of understanding us. And using humor can make the things we do and say more memorable. People tend to remember things that make them laugh.
9. 让别人笑。让别人笑和放松,放松的人更能理解我们。同时,幽默感让我们的所言所行更能被别人记住。人们更容易记住让他们发笑的事情。

10. Pay attention. Many of us listen to others, just waiting for our turn to speak. It’s a gift to focus exclusively on the needs and interests of the other person. In fact, it’s the ultimate example of giving without expecting anything in return.
10. 注意他人。我们很多人听别人讲话只是为了等轮到自己讲话的机会。能专心注意别人的需要和兴趣是很好的礼物。实际上,这是“付出不求回报“最好的例子。