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2012最性感女星 詹妮弗.劳伦斯居首


Jennifer Lawrence is one of the hottest young actresses in Hollywood right now, so it's no surprise that a lot of men find her to be irresistible.

"The Hunger Games" star ranks first on the 2012 edition of AskMen.com's "Top 99 Most Desirable Women" list. The poll, which collected more than 2.4 million votes, asked the website's readers to choose their favorite female celebrities based on their looks, personality, talent and other desirable characteristics.

2012最性感女星 詹妮弗•劳伦斯居首

The 22-year-old Lawrence is the face of "The Hunger Games" franchise, and she may earn an Oscar nomination for her performance in "Silver Linings Playbook."

Mila Kunis placed second on the list, followed by Kate Upton, pop star Rihanna and Emma Stone.

You can browse the full list at AskMen.com. Here are the top 10 women:

1. Jennifer Lawrence

2. Mila Kunis

3. Kate Upton

4. Rihanna

5. Emma Stone

6. Miranda Kerr

7. Kristen Stewart

8. Jessica Gomes

9. Jessica Pare

10. Michelle Jenneke