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6. Live a More Meaningful Life
6. 过更有意义的生活

Are you living a meaningful lifestyle? Life doesn’t have to be a day-to-day grind and mindless repetition. Live a purposeful life that abides by your values and beliefs.

7. Start a business
7. 创业

The best time to start a business was five years ago. The second best time is today. What are you waiting for?

8. Pursue Your Dreams
8. 追逐自己的梦想

When we were kids, we all had dreams. What happened to yours? Big or small, they are worth doing. Pursuing your dreams can make all the difference in your life.

9. Find Better Relationships
9. 寻觅更好的感情

You are who you hang out with. Don’t settle in your relationships whether it is casual friends or your significant other. And remember, you get out… what you put in.

10. Get a Better Career
10. 找到一份更棒的工作

If going to work every day is misery, then you need to stop talking about how bad your job is and instead find a new one. Even in a tough economy, there are jobs for those that are hard-working and determined.