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爱自己:6个温暖小细节 和自己谈场恋爱


爱自己:6个温暖小细节 和自己谈场恋爱

How to Fall in Love With Yourself

We are constantly bombarded with visions of how we are not good enough or how we need to improve ourselves. And it’s not only external things that cause us to have such low self-esteems and feel bad about ourselves either. Maybe you think all the negative-self talk is your way of being real with yourself. Little things like: I’ll never get it done, I don’t deserve that, why would they want to help me? oh I could never wear that, and I’m not smart enough. Instead of focusing on and telling yourself what you can’t do try focusing on what you can do.

Here are a few ideas you can try to build yourself up and fall in love with yourself all over again.

Focus on your strengths. We all have strengths and luckily they are not all the same. Do things you are naturally good at and enjoy and you will build self confidence, efficiency and pride.

Be proud of your accomplishments. No matter how big or seemingly small your accomplishments are you should be very proud of each and every one of them. Whether it’s completing high school, university, starting your own company, having kids and raising a family, completing a project that’s hanging around for far too long, be proud. Celebrate the small and large accomplishments and everything in between.

Get excited about who you are. Celebrate your uniqueness. Maybe you’re a very caring individual, efficient, or adept to solving problems. Embrace it. Be proud that you’re not like everyone else in your social circle. People love you for being you.