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爱自己:6个温暖小细节 和自己谈场恋爱

Share your talent. If you’ve got a talent share it with the world. If you can write – write, if you can dance – dance, if you can organize …well you get the picture. Believe it or not there are people out there who could benefit greatly from you sharing your talents. Ever notice how giving to others makes you feel so incredible about yourself?

Forgive yourself. Guilt is a weird thing. All guilt does is hold us in the past reliving something we wish we could change. Not going to happen I’m afraid. Forgiveness is a choice. Forgive yourself. The past is the past (I know you’ve heard this before but the more you hear it the more you may start to believe it). Forgive yourself, apologize and move on.

Do something just for you. Take time for yourself and just relax. Rest both your mind and your body. Rejuvenate by sitting quietly listen to soft soothing music or watch the wonders of nature from your own backyard, balcony or window. Treat yourself to a massage or spa day. Whatever it is that makes you feel special and relaxed … do it.

Love yourself. Take pride in all your unique glory. Maybe you’re quirky and have a very different talent. Embrace it. Flaunt it and share it with the world!