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7大原因告诉你 为什么你的时间总是不够用?

2013-01-07来源:dumb little man

It is a common complaint, “I don’t have enough time.” In fact, I'd bet that you said these exact words in the last 48 hours. “I don’t have enough time to finish my work/get in shape/start a hobby/spend with my family.”
常听到人们这样的抱怨:“我的时间不够用。” 其实我敢打赌,在过去的48小时内,你肯定也说过下面的这些话:“我时间不够用,没法完成工作/减肥塑身/开始新的习惯/和家人在一起”。

While we all have the same amount of time in the day, why is it that some people seem to accomplish a ton more than you? From the President to the postman, people all have the same time frame but accomplish loads more than in a single day that you seem to accomplish in a week.

7大原因告诉你 为什么你的时间总是不够用?

Why do some struggle and drown in their obligations, while others make the impossible seem effortless? The only difference is how you choose to spend your time. Here are some things to consider so that your days are loaded with accomplishments.

1. You Don’t Say No

One of the biggest mistakes people make is to take on burdens that do not belong to them. When you don’t say no, you find yourself doing other people’s work. This happens both in the workplace and in day-to-day life. Ever find yourself doing someone else’s job simply because you couldn’t say no?

2. You Don’t Know Your Obligations

How can you tell if you are going to overflow your bucket if you don’t know how full it is? It is common to over commit your time if you are not aware of all your obligations. You need to make a commitment list. List out and budget all of your commitments from work, life, and community. Only then can you know your remaining time balance.

3. You Have Too Much Life Friction

Life Friction is self-inflicted time management. In other words, you create your own crises by your own actions and disorganization. Life friction means extra re-work, increased stress, and wasted time. Ever get back from running errands and realize you have to go back out because you forgot something?