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7大原因告诉你 为什么你的时间总是不够用?

2013-01-07来源:dumb little man
4. You Lolly-gag

It is amazing that some of the same people that complain they don’t have enough time are the same ones that lolly-gag and waste it. Ever see that person who arrives late to work and then spends the next hour and 15 minutes getting ready to start working? You don’t need to spend every second of the day under a stopwatch, but be aware of when you waste time whether it is gossiping, surfing the Internet, or recapping the weekend for the third time.

5. You Don’t Put Your Priorities First

Ever finish a busy workday only to think to yourself that you didn’t get anything important done? If you don’t put your priorities first, it won’t matter how fast you work, you may never get to what is important. You have to be able to say, “I am not going to do this, because something else is more important.”

6. You Try to Do Everything Yourself

We all have the same number of seconds in the day. At a certain point, the only way to get more done is to have someone help. But, some people have trouble letting others do work because they feel that no one can do it as well as they can.

This can be particularly troublesome when a leader will not let their team do their duties and instead tries to take on everything themselves.

7. You Don’t Finish Things

When you don’t finish tasks, you are only creating more work for yourself. Tasks undone actually create more work for you. They take more time to pick back up when you return to them. They create unnecessary complications when you leave them to the last minute.