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Which brands most improved their reputations in social media in 2012? And which companies made them worse?

We asked the Dachis Group, a social media measurement agency, to tell us which brands got the biggest increases in consumer love, and which lost the most ground.
我们咨询了社交媒体评估机构达奇斯集团(Dachis Group),问它哪些品牌最受消费者的喜爱,哪些品牌失去了大部分市场。

First, the companies that gained the most consumer love ...

1. Apple. Brand love: 57% / Rank: 32
1.苹果。 品牌喜爱度:57%/排名:32

Dachis says: The end of year iPhone 5 and iPad Mini releases overcame early controversies in overseas manufacturing and any lingering effects from the death of Steve Jobs to make Apple the biggest mover of the year.

2. LinkedIn. Brand love: 47% / Rank: 309
2. 邻客音(LinkedIn)。品牌喜爱度:47%/排名:309

Dachis says: Strong financial performance combined with a slew of new features made LinkedIn a magnet for positivity in 2012. Positivity like this could help the company move from stern business network to lively communications platform in 2013.

3. JetBlue. Brand love: 40% / Rank 218
3. 捷蓝航空(JetBlue) 品牌喜爱度:40%/排名:218

Dachis: JetBlue started the year with some tough moments (a pilot’s panic attack gave them a rough start), but customer satisfaction and excellent social service during the busy holiday travel season carried the brand to success in 2012.

4. Adidas. Brand love: 35% / Rank 25

Dachis says: Adidas added more than 34 million new fans and followers in just 12 months this year. The company put that audience to good use and benefited from high levels of positive discussion all year long.

5. Starbucks. Brand love: 26% / Social Business Index Rank: 26

Dachis says: Starbucks is a perennial top-performer in social and 2012 was no exception. The company’s social savvy earned it 19 million new fans and followers in 2012 and its push into at-home and on-the-go products gave all those people something fun to talk about.