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8个原因告诉你 你的目标为什么总是达不到?

2013-01-14来源:time management
5. You Won’t Stick With It

Over half of goals will be given up within 30 days. You set your goals. You started them. And then… you gave up. You didn’t have the discipline to stay the course. Are you using life’s daily happenings as excuses? I couldn’t go to the gym today because work was too busy. I could not work on my book because I was too tired. Goals are not reached through one momentous effort. Rather, they are made in small steps over time.

6. They Are Not “Your” Goals

Why did you pick the goals you set? Is it something that you wanted to accomplish, or is it something that others wanted you to do? Something that was expected of you? If you goals are not your own, you will not have the passion and drive to complete them. Too often, we put goals are on our plate that are not our own. In these cases, we are destined for failure. Ensure that your goals align with your own values and dreams.

7. You Will Fail… and You Won’t Get Back Up!

No one succeeds immediately. Overnight success is a myth. Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice. The secret is that when you fall down… you have to get back up. You have to fall down many times before you will succeed. Skill is learned by doing.
没有人能一步登天。一夜成名是一个神话。那些看似轻轻松松就成功的人,通常是投入了好几年时间去准备和练习。 秘诀在于:当你跌倒时,你得再站起来。在你成功前,你会跌倒很多次。技能是在实践中学来的。

8. You Quit Before the Finish Line

Too many people stop… right before the finish. It’s almost like they don’t want to get there. They are afraid of succeeding. Often a life event is used as the reason for not finishing. Something always comes up before you finish. You get sick. An emergency occurs. Unforeseen events happen. (Life always does…) Don’t let “life” be the reason your do not attain your goal.

Are you reaching your goals? Which of these is keeping you from succeeding? Are you “paying the price” for your goals, or are you simply letting life take you where it goes? Set your goals. Stay the course. Always get back up when you fail. And make sure you cross the finish line.