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21. Send thank-you cards to show appreciation
21. 寄感谢卡表达谢意

22. Take a short break in the afternoon for a walk
22. 下午短暂休息下,出去散散步

23. Focus on the positives of work instead of the negatives
23. 关注工作的积极方面,而不是消极方面

24. Read books related to your field
24. 读与职业相关的书籍

25. Find a better system for organizing emails
25. 找一个更好的系统整理邮件

26. Offer to mentor someone
26. 为他人提供指导

27. Pack your lunch for work
27. 为工作准备午餐

28. Do a better job of managing
28. 在管理事物方面要做得更好

29. Avoid office gossip
29. 别在办公室八卦

30. Take public transportation to work
30. 乘公共交通工具去工作

31. Cut back on caffeine and sugar during work hours
31. 在工作时间减少咖啡因和糖的摄入

32. Give positive and constructive feedback to co-workers
32. 给同事积极有建设性的反馈

33. Ask for more feedback from peers
33. 从同龄人处获得更多反馈

34. Don't do work on vacation unless required
34. 除非被要求,不然别在假日工作

35. Don't relay important news over email
35. 不要用电子邮件转达重要讯息

36. File your expenses on time
36. 定时记录花销

37. Turn in projects before their deadlines
37. 在最后期限前做好项目

38. Seek out work when you have downtime
38. 当有空闲时找点工作做

39. Take advantage of health benefits
39. 好好利用保健福利金

40. Join your local Toastmasters
40. 参加自己地区的Toastmasters