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A spike in air pollution in Beijing and other Chinese cities has brought concern over auto fumes to the fore in the world's largest car market, but analysts say trucks and older cars─rather than new passenger vehicles -- lie at the heart of China's current pollution woes.

China overtook the U.S. as the biggest auto market by number of new vehicles sold in 2009. Last year, Chinese customers bought 19.3 million vehicles, a figure the semiofficial China Association of Auto Manufacturers forecasts will grow a further 7% this year.

A fourth day of severe pollution across large parts of China has put scrutiny on industries that contribute to China's pollution problems, including auto makers, power companies, steel makers and other firms.

China has fewer cars on the road than the U.S. -- 92.7 million compared with about 245 million. But according to China's Ministry of Environmental Protection, only 5.7% of China's vehicles meet the country's highest national Grade IV standards that limit toxic emissions from vehicles including greenhouse gas and tiny particulate matter known as PM2.5.

The majority meet relatively low emission standards. The 10% of vehicles that don't meet the minimal Grade I emission standard account for 40% of the total emissions of major pollutants, the ministry said.

'Mitigation of the problem lies much more in getting rid of old vehicles and improving traffic flow,' said Janet Lewis, an analyst at Macquarie Securities.
麦格理证券(Macquarie Securities)分析师刘易斯(Janet Lewis)说,缓和污染问题更多地在于取缔老旧车辆并改善交通拥堵状况。

Public outcry about the recent spike in pollution could also motivate the government to re-examine its once-ambitious plans for electric vehicles, implementation of which have recently stalled.

Long term, the current pollution crisis could prompt a rethink of Beijing's policy on electric-vehicle technology, said Bill Russo, founder and president of auto consulting firm Synergistics Ltd. and a former Chrysler executive. 'If pollution is becoming a very visible problem, then it could change attitudes about alternatives' such as clean diesel and conventional hybrid engines, he said.
汽车行业咨询公司Synergistics Ltd.创始人兼总裁、曾任克莱斯勒(Chrysler)高管的拉索(Bill Russo)说,从长远看,当前的污染危机可能促使人们反思中国政府针对电动汽车技术的政策。他说,如果污染成为非常明显的问题,那它可能改变人们对替代技术的态度,比如清洁柴油和传统的混合动力发动机。

Last year, the State Council, China's cabinet, said it hopes output of pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles reaches 500,000 by 2015 and 5 million by 2020.

However, progress has been slow on more immediate steps. For example, China has twice delayed the nationwide rollout of tighter vehicle-emissions standards amid opposition from the refining industry. Tighter emission standards have also met with resistance from truck-engine manufacturers as well as buyers of trucks. A.T. Kearney consultant Stephen Dyer estimates the additional cost for engine makers to comply with stricter rules at around 10,000 yuan (about $1,600) per engine. 'While this may only represent 5% of the total cost, engine makers say it's enough to significantly impact sales,' he said.
然而更为直接的措施进展一直很缓慢。举例来说,由于遭到炼油行业的反对,中国已经两次推迟在全国范围内推出更严格的汽车排放标准。卡车发动机制造商和卡车买家也抵制更严格的排放标准。咨询公司科尔尼(A.T. Kearney)的咨询师戴加辉(Stephen Dyer)估计,发动机制造商如果要遵循更严格的标准,每台发动机的成本将增加大约人民币1万元。他说,虽然这可能只占总成本的5%,但发动机制造商认为,这足以对销售造成重大影响。