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11. If you’ve grown comfortable doing things solo, start doing those activities with a friend. If you only do things with friends, try going it alone. Trust me, seeing a movie by yourself is surprisingly pleasant.
11. 如果你习惯了自己一个人做一些事情,那就开始尝试和朋友一起做。如果你只会和朋友一起做,那就自己做。相信我,自己去看一场电影会有很大的惊喜。

12. Make a new friend. No – that doesn’t mean add a random person on Facebook! At work, in class or when you’re out, start a conversation IN PERSON, and make friends with someone.
12. 结交新的朋友。我的意思并不是指你在Facebook上随便添加一个朋友。在工作中,在班级里,或者当你出门时,私下单独和人开始一场谈话,和他们做朋友。

13. Take an improv class to get comfortable with unscripted interaction which, most of life consists of.
13. 随意去上一堂即兴表演课,去习惯没有剧本的即兴互动,我们大部分的生活不就是这样吗?

14. Switch up your daily routine drastically. If you’re a night owl, try hitting the hay early and waking up at sunrise. If you’re an early bird, explore the wee hours of the night for a change.
14. 尽量打乱你的日常常规。如果你是一个夜猫子,就试着早睡然后早起。如果你是早起的鸟儿,那就尝试晚点睡,改变一下自己。

15. Limit your television watching. Replace that newfound time being active and living your life, as opposed to watching others.
15. 限制自己看电视。让这段时间的自己变得更加活跃,过自己的生活,而不是观看别人的。

16. Take a financial risk that could result in a great reward.
16. 尝试一次金融风险,你可能得到很大回报。

17. Choose one of your fears and confront it head-on. Don’t like heights? Try skydiving, hiking a mountain or going on a rooftop – whatever you can do, as long as the idea of it makes you uneasy.
17. 选择一个你恐惧的东西然后直面它。你恐高?那就试试跳伞,爬山,或者去屋顶,任何使你感到不舒服的都可以去尝试。

18. If at all possible, spend time around people more successful than you. Being surrounded by individuals who’ve accomplished more than you can be beneficial if used as inspiration and motivation.
18. 如果可能的话,多花些时间和一些比你更加成功的人在一起。和更成功的他们在一起会激发你的创造力和动力。

19. Enter a competition in which the odds are stacked against you. Failure isn’t always a bad thing, especially if it’s utilized properly. By losing and feeling a letdown, you should become thirsty to try again or at least feel the glory of winning and success.
19. 去参加一个情况可能对你不利的比赛。失败并不总是坏事,尤其是用的恰到好处的时候会变成好事。通过失败,感受到失望,你应该会更加想再次尝试,至少能感受到赢取成功后的荣誉感。

20. Say “yes” to every single opportunity that presents itself, big or small. From an invite to an event you typically wouldn’t attend, to a job promotion in a different city. Some things are life changers, and they should be embraced with open arms instead of shot down without consideration.
20. 不管机会是大是小,都要好好抓住。不管是一次邀请你不愿意去参加的活动,还是一个去不同的城市工作的晋升。有些事情就是会改变你的一生,你应该敞开双手去接受它们,而不是不加任何考虑就拒绝。