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4. Luxuries of the Mature
4. 家庭的成长可以增加消费的自由度

As families mature, houses get paid off and savings grow. Even if your children do go to the same school, their children are older, and they have a few years on you as well. Those could be years spent paying on their house and putting money in the bank.

Imagine how much more freedom you would have without also having to manage your monthly mortgage.

5. Their Lives Might be Plastic
5. 月光族有什么好羡慕的

Your neighbors might be disciples, worshiping the power of the plastic. While you are smart enough to understand the headaches of undisciplined credit, your neighbors might be living carelessly, buying short-term luxury today in exchange for a meager tomorrow.

6. They Know Where to Find Deals
6. 你懂得精打细算

I consider myself a connoisseur when it comes to finding great deals on groceries and kids clothing. Perhaps your neighbors also know something about finding deals on the things they need, freeing up more money for things they want.

7. They Pay for Their Immediate Wants First
7. 什么急就买什么

Your neighbors could also have more money than you do because they prioritize differently, and pay from their savings for projects that they want done.

While my neighbors may or may not make have more money than me, I don’t let it influence the way that I live. I spend money in the way that’s most important for my family, both for a better, more comfortable today, and for a brighter tomorrow.