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职场英语:升职八招 8 Ways to Get Career Progression

5. Work well with people. Many people who are technically proficient and excellent at task management do not get promoted because they lack people skills. Be aware of how you are perceived. Ask for feedback. It is not a question of popularity; it is more about communication, trust and dependability. Try not to make enemies. Find ways to work effectively with other people and you are more likely to be seen as ‘management material’.
5. 友好共事。很多人技术精湛、工作突出,但没有获得晋升,因为他们缺少交际能力。弄清楚你在别人眼中的形象。征求别人对你的反馈。这不是你受不受欢迎的问题;更多的是交际、信任和可靠的问题。别树敌。想办法和同事一起高效工作,这样你就更可能被当做是“管理人才”。

6. Contribute ideas. Make positive, constructive suggestions for how things could be done better. Most managers (though not all) welcome this and it will signal that you are someone who can think about bigger issues. It shows that you welcome rather than fear change.
6. 出主意。为改进工作提供积极的、建设性的建议。大多数高层(虽然不是所有)都对此表示欢迎,这显示出你是一个能考虑大局,而且喜欢变化而非惧怕变化的人。

7. If you cannot move up, move across. Look for ways to broaden your experience. If you cannot move up in your area then consider moving across into a different area of the business at the same level so that you can learn new skills and make new contacts.
7. 升不了职,那就调职。想办法扩展自己的经验。如果不能在自己的领域里升职,那就考虑调职到相同程度的不同领域里去工作,这样你能学到新技术,接触新事物。

8. Have a plan. Set yourself goals for advancement and measure progress against them. If you need to acquire certain skills or experiences then plan to do so. If you are turned down for promotion, ask why. If you cannot meet your plan in your current organization or if you can make no more progress or if you no longer enjoy the work then look elsewhere. There are plenty of opportunities for ambitious people who work hard and are keen to learn.
8. 做规划。定下前进的目标,检查自己的进度。如果要获取某些特定技术或经验,那就计划着去做。如果你的升职请求被拒绝,问问为什么。如果在现有的企业不能实现计划,如果进度停止不前,如果不再喜欢现有工作,那就另谋高就。对于那些工作卖力、乐于学习的有志之士来说,机会多多。