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'My mom didn’t really like cooking, and when she did cook I didn’t really like her food. And I was watching something on the Food Network, and I thought, ‘I could do this''.
“我妈妈其实不怎么喜欢做菜,她就算做了菜我也不喜欢她做的东西。我在Food Network网上看菜谱,然后我就想到,‘这道菜我能做。’”

“I’ve always been very creative, and I wanted to create my own dishes, and I didn’t know too much about it – but I would do variations from cookbooks and would cook them for my family.'

'Then, I started liking the creative part of it, and I started to cook for more people than just my family.'

The mother and son duo decided to test his skills with the public and launched Eureka - a supper club that hosts monthly dinner parties inside their home.

Mrs McGarry now describes herself as: 'general manager and reluctant dishwasher'. They even built a test kitchen in the teenager's bedroom so he could reach all the utensils he needs.
现在,麦克格雷女士将她自己形容为:“总经理,也勉强算一个洗碗工。” 他们甚至在弗里恩的卧室里建了一个试验厨房,这样他就能拿到所有他需要的炊具。

'It started off as two tables with some gas burners, my desk and my bed,' he explained.

'But the problem was that I need more space for more things, so I downsized my bed, got rid of my desk. And I was living in there for like a year, and I would sleep on my bed, pop it up, do my schoolwork at my work space table.'

'It was difficult because I was 13 and pretty much living and sleeping, and then the rest of the time it was a kitchen. And when my sister went to college I moved down to her room. Then we went full out with the kitchen.'

McGarry is still in education but is taught via Laurel Springs' online private school which means he can organize lessons around his cooking. McGarry's mother says they backed her son in his ambition because he exhibited such early passion for cooking.

'He is progressing so fast and it is super overwhelming, but it is also exciting,' she told ABC. 'You are always proud of your children’s accomplishments. He showed such passion for this that it was an obvious choice to allow him to do what he loves to do.'