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Ask Yourself...

Are you ready to build a vision for your desired professional destination? Begin by getting it down on paper. If you write down your vision and look at it on a daily basis, it's more likely it will happen. Either consciously or subconsciously, you'll take steps to make it a reality. Start with the following 10 questions. Adds the New York-based career expert, "Don't forget to allow yourself to dream a little bit; it's OK to do that!
你准备好为了梦想的职业建立目标了吗? 把目标写在纸上。如果你把目标写下来,然后每天都看一看,它就可能实现。不论有意识地还是无意识地,你都会采取实现目标的步骤。

1. If anything were possible, what would I want to be different in my career?
1. 如果一切皆为可能,我希望职业生涯有什么变化?

2. What type of job would I want?
2. 我喜欢哪类工作?

3. What would I want to be responsible for?
3. 我希望负责什么工作?

4. What type of boss/coworkers/team would I want?
4. 我希望老板/同事/团队是什么样的?

5. What kind of hours would I want to work?
5. 我希望什么时间工作?

6. What type of company would I want work for?
6. 我希望为哪类公司工作?

7. What sort of culture would I want the company have?
7. 我希望企业拥有什么样的企业文化?

8. What city would I want to live in?
8. 我希望生活在哪座城市?

9. What salary would I want to earn?
9. 我希望赚多少钱?

10. What would I want my approach to stress, my workload, and deadlines be?
10. 我希望如何应对压力、工作量和工作截止时间?

Once you have a vision, start acting on it.You need momentum and action to move ahead this year!