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4. Wish Others Well as You Commute
4. 通勤时也希望别人一切顺利

When you're in your car, on the train, in the subway, or walking to work, look around at other people and wish them well. Wish them peace, joy, and love. Each person you see is fighting his or her own battles (with health, with finances, with fear, with loneliness, with aging, with loss). Open your heart with compassion to others and your happiness level will rise.

5. Breathe Deeply
5. 深呼吸

Whenever you take a break to snack, drink coffee, or go to the bathroom, take a moment for a deep, cleansing breath. Try "Take Five": breathe in for five, hold for five, and exhale for five. Breathing deeply calms the body and the mind, making it an ideal shortcut to inner peace.

6. Be Grateful, Every Night
6. 每天晚上充满感激

As you're falling asleep, review your day and recall three things for which you are grateful. It could be a relationship, good news, or a happy email. Be grateful for food on the table, for a warm bed, for electricity, or for your eyesight. You will definitely rest in peace when you count your blessings instead of sheep.

Intentionally make these six simple habits a regular part of your day and you can look forward to a very happy new year.