This year, resolve to drop your daily deal habit. Buying coupons can be extremely addictive, because sometimes the deals are just too tempting. But oftentimes, you'll end up doing something that you never planned on doing in the first place and trying restaurants that you had no intention of trying to begin with. The problem is that you might forget about them if you're not carefully keeping track of them, and you may end up losing money when the coupon expires.
Do yourself and your budget a favor this year, and unsubscribe from all the daily deals sites except your all-time favorite. I know there may be deals that seem too good to miss out on, so limit yourself to buying one or two online coupons this year. If you're worried about missing out on an amazing deal, I'm sure you'll catch wind of it through friends or social media. And if you miss one, either scout for it on sites that sell unused daily deals or patiently wait for it to show up again.
Caffeine addiction is so commonplace that nobody will bat an eye if you say you need your daily dose of coffee.Though people claim that coffee benefits them, the efficacy of the brown liquid is often misconceived. For starters, studies have shown that although caffeine may give you more speed, you'll be more prone to making mistakes. This means even if you have a larger output, it'll be of lower quality. More negatives include feeling jittery when you drink too much coffee and withdrawal symptoms like headaches if you choose to stop drinking. Convinced? Here are some tips to kicking your caffeine habit to the curb for good this year:
1. Figure out your quitting style. Everyone has their own way of kicking bad habits, and you can either choose to go cold turkey or ease off it slowly. Remember, if you go cold turkey and suffer withdrawal symptoms, don't take any pain medication for your headaches since those have caffeine in it as well!
1. 找到自己的“退出”方式。每个人都有戒掉坏习惯的方法,你可以痛定思痛下决心快速戒掉,也可以慢慢除去坏习惯。要记住的是,如果你决定快点戒掉并且出现戒断症状,别用吃药治疗头痛,因为这些也含有咖啡因!
2. Find a replacement. When you find yourself craving coffee, try to replace it with caffeine-free tea. Chamomile and mint tea are always good options.
2. 找替代品。当你很想喝咖啡时,试着喝茶代替,它们不含咖啡因。菊花茶和薄荷茶总是很好的选择。
3. Try decaf. When you just miss the comfort of the taste of coffee, opt for decaf. Keep in mind that there's actually a small amount of caffeine in a decaffeinated cup of joe, so drink a small cup.
3. 试试看无咖啡因咖啡。当你想起沁人心脾的咖啡味时,就喝没有咖啡因的咖啡吧。要记得在一杯“不含咖啡因”的咖啡中,还是会有少量咖啡因的,所以喝一小杯即可。
Of course, it's up to each individual to decide if quitting coffee is right for them. I'd say you should truly consider it if you're drinking excessive amounts (more than three or four cups a day) and if you're feeling some of the negative effects of caffeine.
Many people include software skills on their résumé, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and HTML, but not all of them have a good grasp of those programs. It's good to learn how to use various software because this knowledge can boost your résumé or even help you advance in your job.
A good way to learn these programs is through the online software training site. If you pay a subscription fee, you get access to programs like Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and even Facebook. But if you're not keen on spending the money, you can even test out the service with a seven-day free trial. You might not even need a month's access because there's plenty you can learn in seven days. Remember to cancel before the trial ends, or you'll be charged.
Managing your time not only allows you to be more productive but also frees up precious minutes for you to spend however you'd like. To make 2013 your most organized, adopt these four helpful habits.
1. Consider your to-do list a schedule. A simple checklist is a great start, but it's important to gauge the time frame for each item, too. Mark each of your tasks with an estimated start and finish time, taking into account any variables that may slow you down. Next, think of ways to make your schedule more exciting. Brainstorm a mini reward for each task completed, like a phone date with your best friend or a new song download.
1. 给要做的事时间限制。一张简单的一览表是很好的开始,但为每件事估量时间也很重要。在每件事上标记大致开始和完成的时间,要考虑到任何可能会让你慢下来的可变因素。下一步,想想激励你更好完成计划的方法。努力思考下如果每件事完成,获得的最小的奖励是什么,比如和最好的朋友煲电话粥或者下载首歌曲。
2. Plan ahead and be thorough. It's smart to lay out your exercise gear the night before a morning workout, but take it one step further by filling your water bottle, charging your iPod, packing your purse, and leaving your gym shoes by the door. Small steps like these will have a huge payoff, adding several minutes for you to fill as you please.
2. 事先做好充分准备。在第二天早上开始锻炼前准备好相关物品是非常聪明的做法,但你可以做得更多:灌好水、给iPod充好电、理好钱包、在门边放好运动鞋。这样的小步骤会带来很大的回报,给你多添几分钟自由支配的时间。
3. Learn to prioritize. Efficiency stems from an ability to rank responsibilities, so decision-making plays a key role in staying productive. Not a naturally decisive person? Try to consider the impact of each of task and whether someone else is depending on you to get it done. There's a chance that you may not make it through your entire to-do list, so it's important to designate the must dos vs. the could dos.
3. 学会分清轻重缓急。效率来源于区分优先次序的能力,所以决策对保持高效率来说很重要。天生不是有决策力的人?试着想想每件事的结果,以及你的进度是否会影响其他人的工作。有些事情可能不会出现在你的任务清单上,所以决定“哪些事必须做”和“哪些事可以做”是很重要的。
4. Be realistic. There are only 24 hours in a day, so know your limits and be practical about your plans. You'll feel better — and less stressed — when you know that your schedule is doable. There will, of course, be extra busy days when you truly can't get everything done. In those cases, consider asking for help and delegate tasks to save time and energy.
4. 认清现实。一天只有24个小时,所以要知道自己的极限,计划也要实际些。当你知道计划是可以完成的,你会感觉更好,压力也会更小。当然有时候即使你已经忙得晕头转向了,可还是无法完成工作,在这些情况下,为了节约时间和精力,可以考虑寻求帮助,把事情分给别人。