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2013-03-04来源:daily mail

A thrill loving man pushed his cautious girlfriend off the edge of a cliff to take a ride on a 400ft pendulum swing in a narrow canyon in Utah.

Creighton Baird was just one of dozens who trekked to an undisclosed location in Utah to film the stunt for a YouTube video by Devin Graham. The video was posted on Tuesday and has gained over 4 million views.


Creighton Baird had gently tried to coax his nervous companion, Jessica Powell, to try the stunt over a period of 45 minutes but she was too scared. Finally, he took control and nudged her closer toward the edge of the cliff and suddenly pushed her off.

As she descended into the canyon she let out a series of chilling screams and then yelled out, 'I'm breaking up with you', with her words echoing through the canyon.
杰西卡发出令人毛骨悚然的尖叫声跌落进山谷,还能听到她的咆哮声:“老娘要跟你分手!!!!” 杰西卡的声音在山谷中回荡。

He laughed at the comment and said he hoped that she would learn to appreciate his initiative one day.

The filmmaker told the Daily News that after the event, she admitted she was glad that Baird had given her the push because she probably wouldn't have done it herself.

Though her break-up message didn't kill their relationship on the spot, Graham revealed that the pair ultimately decided to call it quits.

'Sadly, last week they actually did break up,' said Graham. 'It had nothing to do with getting pushed off the rope swing.'