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Juhi Nondi, a 20-year-old college student, takes the train every day to and from school here, toting a satchel of textbooks and looking stylish in her skinny jeans and T-shirts─and long, sharp fingernails.
朱希?侬迪(Juhi Nondi)是一名20岁的大学女生,她每天都要提着一个书包乘火车在加尔各答郊区的巴拉萨特(Barasat)和学校之间往返。她穿着紧身牛仔裤和T恤衫,外型时尚,而且还留着锋利的长指甲。

'They're not just for fashion,' she says of her pink nails, 'but also for self-defense.'

Aggressive sexual harassment is a daily part of her commute in this bustling suburb of Kolkata. A man grabbed her breast one morning, she says. Another day, someone grabbed her hip. Friends carry chili powder, she says, to throw in the eyes of an assailant, a sort of homemade pepper spray.

'If I'm even a half-hour late coming home, my parents panic,' Ms. Nondi says.

Barasat, which boasts a shopping mall, a KFC restaurant and a growing number of women in the workplace, is a typical, if modest Indian economic success story. But it is typical of urban India in another way, too: Here and nationwide, women say harassment of women is a fixture of daily life.

In December, India's climate of sexual violence burst onto the world's consciousness after a young woman on a bus in New Delhi was so brutally gang-raped and assaulted that she died of her injuries. That attack provoked nationwide protests and prompted national introspection about the broader spectrum of harassment─from stalking to groping─that often goes unpunished and can lead to more aggravated assault, experts say.

Here in Barasat, interviews with two dozen women yielded consistent stories of recent and repeated harassment. Men trail women on foot or on scooters, making crude remarks and grabbing at the scarf worn to cover the chest. It happens at the train station, they said, in the fish-market lane, on the road to the university and outside the police station.

Many women interviewed complained that police do little to stop it. One local officer, when asked about that by a reporter, responded: 'If these incidents don't happen, what will happen to our jobs?'

A senior Barasat police official said the police take all complaints seriously. The police said the department couldn't provide hard numbers on harassment complaints, arrests or convictions.

Women say they travel in groups, some carrying sharp objects─safety pins, pocket knives─to discourage harassers. Still, occasionally there are more serious assaults. In early 2011, a 16-year-old boy was stabbed to death trying to protect his 22-year-old sister, Rinku Das, as she returned home one evening from her call-center job.
女士们说她们会结伴出行,有些人还会携带安全别针和小折刀等锋利物品以赶跑骚扰者。尽管如此,偶尔还是会出现非常严重的袭击。2011年初的一天夜里,一名16岁的男孩在护送自己的姐姐、22岁的琳库?达斯(Rinku Das)从客服中心下班的途中因试图保护她而被人刺死。

As usual, her brother picked her up on his bicycle from the station, Ms. Das says. Three men blocked the bike, she says, poured alcohol on her, and attacked her brother as he sprang to her defense.

As her brother was being beaten with bamboo canes, Ms. Das says, she pounded on a nearby senior police officer's bungalow. The guards outside told her they couldn't help. 'I screamed and shouted for help in the middle of the street,' she says.

Kalyan Banerjee, the main police officer dealing with Ms. Das's case, said the bungalow guards aren't allowed to leave their posts.
处理达斯一案的主要警员卡尔扬?班纳吉(Kalyan Banerjee)说,警官住处的警卫不得离开岗位。

The three alleged attackers face murder charges and have pleaded not guilty. They are in judicial custody.

After the killing, police say, they intensified patrols, put more plainclothes officers on the street and opened a new women's police station across from the Barasat Government College. From there, 18 female officers patrol high-frequency harassment areas.
警方称他们在这起命案发生之后加强了巡逻,增派了更多便衣警察上街,并在巴拉萨特政府学院(Barasat Government College)对面新设了一家女子警局。来自该警局的18名女警员会在性骚扰高发地区巡逻。

But the roots of the problem run deep, starting in childhood. Across India, daughters are often less valued than sons─a reality that shows up in India's skewed gender ratios.

India has 37 million more men than women, partly because the preference for sons prompts sex-selective abortions and infanticide. Women also have a higher overall mortality rate than men, partly because of bias and neglect over a lifetime, according to recent research, as well as mortality during childbirth.

Some argue that the harassment is a byproduct of economic growth in places like Barasat. A few decades ago, Barasat was a dirt-road town of a few thousand people. Today it is a growing suburb of sprawling Kolkata, with apartment buildings and gated communities with names like Fortune Township. The population tops a quarter-million.
有些人认为,性骚扰是像巴拉萨特这样的地方经济发展的副产物。在几十年前,巴拉萨特还是一个只有数千人口、全是泥土路的小镇,如今它成为了不断扩张的加尔各答的郊区,处于发展之中,兴建起一座座公寓楼和拥有像“Fortune Township”这样的名字的封闭式社区,现在其人口超过了25万。

Men and women alike have benefited greatly, but society remains deeply conservative. 'For generations, men haven't seen women so empowered,' says Mayank Saksena, an executive at consulting firm Jones Lang LaSalle who has developed real estate in Barasat and has studied the town closely. 'It builds jealousy and envy.'
男性与女性均从中获益匪浅,但是社会依然极度保守。咨询公司仲量联行(Jones Lang LaSalle)的高管马彦克?萨克塞纳(Mayank Saksena)说:“多少代人以来,男性从未看到过女性如此强大,这导致了他们的嫉妒与羡慕。”