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6. Popular things can be listed

Lists are very popular, so logically lists about popular things would be more popular again. Bacon, sexy ladies, funny cats and tweets, all of these regularly end up on lists. You may say this point isn't scientific in any way, but I include it as evidence for the above point. Which means it is scientific in a very tenuous way.

7. Lists fit the way humans tend to read

It has been demonstrated many times, in scientific studies and Martin Robbins' blog, that the way people read things on the internet follows anF-shaped pattern. While this is detrimental to blogs and articles with continuous prose, this is obviously beneficial for lists of things, as the reader is reading in a pattern that largely follows a list structure.

8. There are many popular types of list, not just on the internet

Lists predate the internet by some considerable margin, and aren't necessarily constrained or dependent on it. Examples include shopping lists, bucket lists, guest lists and hit lists. These lists are invariably detached from the subject matter in some way; nobody ever buys a shopping list, bucket lists rarely feature buckets, a guest list is rarely seen inside a party/club, and there are no records of someone being killed with an actual hit list. Contrastingly, Craigslist was created by someone called Craig. To date, there is no evidence of a popular list of all the angles at which a ship may list, suggesting that list formats are incompatible.
清单在很大程度上先于互联网,并且不受制于或依赖于它。例子包括购物单、愿望单(bucket lists)、宾客单和暗杀名单(hit lists)。这些清单总是以某种方式脱离主题;从未有人买过购物单,愿望单和“桶(bucket)”没有关系,宾客单在聚会或俱乐部里基本见不到,也没有关于暗杀名单上的某人被害的记录。相反,一个名叫克雷格(Craig)的人创办了克雷格清单网站(Craigslist,美国免费分类广告网站——译注)。迄今为止,尚无证据表明存在一个可以包罗万象的流行清单,这说明清单样式是不兼容的。

9. Some entries on a list are likely to be just padding

As mentioned, a list of 10 things, or a multiple thereof. This will inevitably lead to someone preparing a list and including things that shouldn't really be in it in order to make it 10 items in length. This makes it look "proper". See the point before this one for a demonstration of this happening.
如上文所述,大部分人使用十进制。绝大多数清单除了在标题里使用“惊人的”、“令人震惊的”或“ 不可思议”等等词汇(听上去让人印象深刻,但在技术上无法反驳)之外,还会列出十项或者是十的倍数项的事物。这就不可避免的使得某些人在制作清单时,为了凑出十个条目而列出一些并不该出现的事物。这让清单看上去是“合适的”。本文第八条就可以证明这一点。

10. People will tend to remember the last thing on a list

Lists are commonly used as tools for assessing people's memory. Word lists are a typical tool for testing someone's ability to remember and recall items, and can be designed and adapted to analyse a wide variety of human memory abilities. One of the things uncovered by this sort of research is the recency effect, meaning people are more likely to remember the last thing they are presented with, due to the way attention works and the demands of memory formation. So when you try to tell someone about this list, you may end up saying "The last thing on the list was that you're more likely to remember the last thing on the list".