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2013-03-15来源:positive blog
5. One's nature does not change.

Our perspectives, our appearances, our disposition can constantly change. But our core nature generally does not. People learn survival mechanisms at a fairly young age -- and that way of being becomes reinforced and ingrained.

When I asked a dear friend of mine why he chose to be in my life during my early twenties when I was so insecure and unstable, he responded, "I saw you for your essence. And that has always been a constant."

If you want to truly see someone, look past their words, their charm and their charisma. Look past their disposition and even their mistakes. Look past the presentation and you'll find their essence. Because while everything superficial can change, one's nature does not.

6. Be selective of who you share your heart and body with.

We harm our spirit when we go against the integrity of our own values. Know your boundaries and what you are willing and not willing to negotiate. And remember, just because something feels good in the present moment doesn't mean it's a healthy decision for your future.

Ask the right questions so you don't keep making the same mistakes. What sort of relationship do you want to attract in your life? Is the decision you are making bringing you closer to that or steering you off that path?

7. Your body is not invincible.

Unfortunately many of us wait until there is a health scare, and then react to fix it, instead of being proactive to avoid it. Your immune system is critical to identifying and destroying foreign and potentially cancerous cells.

Stress, not eating, eating unhealthy food -- these can all be factors that contribute to weakening your immune system. And when it's weakened, those mutated cells are not recognized by your immune system.

The bad cells are then nourished just like healthy cells, causing the cells to duplicate and potentially become cancerous cells.

Take care of your body. Even if you think you're invincible, consider that it is the people who love you that will suffer if something were to happen to your health. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for the people who care about you.

8. When it doesn't work out with someone in the present, it's because it's meant to work out with someone else in the future.

It applies to relationships and opportunities as well. We can get so caught up expecting a particular outcome, only to get overwhelmed by disappointment when things don't pan out the way we planned.

During the moment, it may feel that life is out of sorts, but have faith that there is a bigger, better plan for you, and each person that touches your life is just preparing you for the person you're meant to be with.