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Outside a factory in Dongguan, a city in China’s manufacturing heartlands, school buses drop off children whose parents work at the Maisto toy factory, which manufactures Bburago collectable cars and radio-controlled vehicles.

About 120 children live in dormitories on the factory site. About 40 per cent of Maisto’s 3,000 workers live with partners and children and some of the dormitories, designed for young single workers, are being revamped to make them more suitable for families.

If the toy factory is to retain workers in China’s new era of persistent labour shortages, then this kind of investment is necessary, says manager Michael Liu.
工厂经理Michael Liu表示,中国已进入劳动力持续紧缺的新阶段,玩具厂想留住工人,这种投资就是必要的。

China’s working age population, defined as being those aged between 15 and 59, fell by 3.5m last year to 937m, a result of the one-child policy of the past three decades.

As the number of available workers falls, factories struggle not only to find new hires but also to retain existing staff. A young and educated workforce demands more from employers. In this context, working conditions matter as much as salary.

“We want to give them a sense of belonging and the feeling of being respected,” says Mr Liu, referring to the company’s efforts that range from better housing for employees to soliciting suggestions from them in the factory.

The past few weeks have made clear how severe the hiring crisis is. The weeks after the lunar new year holidays, which ended in late February this year, are typically peak recruiting season for Chinese workers.

But it has been difficult for many smaller employers in Dongguan, a string of satellite cities where factories predominate rather than housing or office towers. Some are struggling to recruit as many as half of the new workers they need, says Willy Lin, who owns a sweater factory in Dongguan.
然而在东莞,许多小雇主却遇到了困难。东莞一家毛衣厂的厂主Willy Lin表示,有的工厂连所需新员工的一半都很难招到。东莞包括一系列卫星城市,这里工厂林立,住房或写字楼则不多。

In this environment the minimum wage – set to rise to Rmb1,310 ($211) in May in Dongguan – means little. Already many employers pay much more than the statutory requirement.

“Workers don’t care what the minimum wage is. They expect to be compensated at the market rate,” says Mr Lin. “Given the massive shortages [of labour] we are facing, I am not sure any method will work any more.”