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David Liu, who owns a handbag manufacturer in Dongguan, offers up to Rmb2,000 per month for new employees and Rmb3,000 for those with a year of experience. So far, he has only managed to hire 40 per cent of the workers he needs.
东莞一家手袋生产商David Liu为新员工开出了最高每月2000元人民币的报酬,而对于有一年经验的员工,报酬达到了每月3000元人民币。然而到目前为止,他仅招到了所需员工数目的40%。

Workers’ confidence that they can get a new job means that many take longer breaks over the lunar new year.

“Nowadays, workers think differently,” Mr Liu says. “They want a one- to two-month break before looking for a new job after the new year.”

The Guangdong government on Monday said the province had a shortage of half a million workers after the lunar new year.

Such is the shortage of staff that when Jane Cheng attended a wedding at a three-star hotel recently, the security guards doubled as waiters. A new generation of better educated workers demands respect, says Ms Cheng, the human resources manager at TTI, which makes lawnmowers and power tools. It employs 9,000 people in Dongguan.
TTI是一家生产除草机和电动工具的公司,在东莞雇有9000名员工。公司人力资源部经理Jane Cheng表示,新一代工人受过更好的教育,要求得到尊重。员工是如此紧缺,以至于Cheng女士最近在一家三星级酒店参加婚礼时,发现那里的保安人数是服务生的两倍。

It is not unusual now for workers to turn down jobs they see as being too taxing.

“We have had applicants who say, ‘You require workers to stand and work all day. I need a place to work where I can sit,’??” she says with a laugh.

A better educated workforce may be more demanding but their education could also foster greater productivity. Arthur Kroeber, who heads research firm Gavekal Dragonomics in Beijing, says China is better placed than its competitors, such as India, to raise the productivity of its workers because they are far better educated.
受教育程度更高的工人要求可能更高,但他们的教育背景也会促进生产率的提高。北京研究机构龙洲经讯(Gavekal Dragonomics)的主管葛艺豪(Arthur Kroeber)表示,比起包括印度在内的竞争对手,中国在提高工人生产率方面更有优势,因为中国工人的受教育程度要高得多。

Retaining workers is a step towards better productivity, especially in Dongguan where as many as 10 per cent of workers quit their jobs every month

So far, Maisto’s strategy has helped it retain and recruit staff, Mr Liu says. This year, it recruited as many as 50 workers a day after the new year hiring period. This compares with just 10 a day last year.

And Maisto’s plans do not stop with dormitories. The company plans to introduce a pension system for workers who stay with the company into their thirties and forties. The family dormitories have prompted workers to recommend the factory to jobseekers. In today’s Dongguan, employers need all the good references they can get.

Additional reporting by Julie Zhu
英国《金融时报》Julie Zhu补充报道