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When you stop doing the wrong things and start doing the right things, almost anything you want and everything you need comes within reach.

Which means it’s time to…


5 Things to Stop Doing

1. Stop stalling and being lazy.

You can’t build a good reputation or a successful way of life based on what you could do or might do someday. The quality of your life is in direct proportion to your commitment to get things done, regardless of your chosen path.

So don’t sit there and say, “Somebody should really do something about that someday.” Be that somebody, and make today the day.
所以别在那坐着然后说:“我有一天一定会成为大人物的。” 要成为大人物,现在就开始努力吧!

2. Stop neglecting your self-control.

Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, lazy, out of shape, uneducated, etc. These things happen when you lose your self-control.

Showing a lack of self-control is in the same vein granting authority to others: “Perhaps I need someone else to help control me.” And if you’re lucky enough to have good friends and family, they might try. But the truth is no one is going to look out for you every second. No one is going to follow you around and say, “Don’t buy that, get off the couch, take a jog, go to the library, etc.”
自制力的缺乏,就表现为有这样希望给别人督促你的念头:“也许我需要别人来监督我。” 如果你足够幸运,有很好的朋友和家人,他们说不定真能帮上你。但实际上没有人会时时刻刻看着你。也没有人会无时无刻的在你身边,说:“别买那个,别再赖在沙发上啦,去慢跑,去图书馆吧,等等。”

You, and YOU ALONE, must make the choice between what is right and what is easy in your life.

3. Stop looking outside yourself.

In life you have to CREATE your own love, define your own meaning, and harbor your own inspiration. This process starts on the inside, not somewhere else. Much of this can be accomplished simply by staying true to your values, pursuing your passions, learning more today than you knew yesterday, and helping others smile as you go.

4. Stop letting negative people drain you.

You might think being alone makes you lonely, but that’s not entirely true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest place in the world.

Before you diagnose yourself as an unhappy person, first be sure that you are not simply surrounded by negative people constantly trying to bring you down to their level.

5. Stop belittling your efforts and your progress.

Appreciate where you are now and keep fighting for where you want to be tomorrow. You are not a failure until you give up on yourself. Keep going!

Hard times may hold you down for a while but they will not last forever, and when all is said and done, you will be able to stand even taller than those who didn’t earn it.

Seriously, you may not be where you want to be yet, but look how far you’ve come. Be thankful that you’re not where you used to be. If you have no other testimony right now, you have this one: “I’m still here trying.”