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5 Things to Start Doing

1. Start living.

Don’t simply exist in this world, grab life’s full potential by the horns and ride it out. Dare life to be all it can be. Make it a memorable, gripping account of accomplishment. Make it a thrilling, challenging, bold adventure. Make life a passionate, enduring, poetic romance.

Whatever it is you decide to do with your life, LIVE it! Get going! Move forward, aim high, plan your takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runway. Adjust your attitude and gain some altitude.

2. Start taking chances that feel right.

Life will try to break you sometimes; nothing and no one can completely protect you from it. Remaining alone in your comfort zone won’t either, for endless, stagnant solitude will also break you with yearning.

You’re human. You have to love. You have to feel. You have to strive. You are here to risk your heart by putting it into something you believe in. If you avoid taking these chances, one thing is certain, you will make is safely to death someday, feeling empty and unfulfilled.

3. Start indulging in meaningful challenges.

What a true blessing it is that there is always work to be done. Because the real value of any accomplishment is not in the end result, it is in the process of accomplishment.

Success is a state of mind, and the most reliable way to reach that state is by working mindfully through a meaningful challenge. Such a challenge might seem somewhat overwhelming when you first encounter it, yet as you progress through it, you transform the work from overwhelming to fulfilling.

4. Start nurturing your real family.

Family is built with love; it’s not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and formal adoption documents. Families grow from the heart, through mutual love and respect. The only time family becomes nullified is when the ties in the heart are cut. If you cut the ties, these people are not your family. If you build the ties, these people are your family. So build ties with the right people and nurture them with love.

5. Start making time for YOU.

There is objective time meant for focused work, but also subjective time where the pulse of your life breathes – your relationships, your awareness, your hobbies, etc.

So find the time – the time to read, to smell the flowers, to take a walk in the wilderness, to share a laugh, to learn a fun craft, to try a new recipe, to explore somewhere new, to really be with someone you love, to paint your dreams, or even to just do nothing and relax for a while.