Turn off the TV, the cell phone, the iPad, the laptop. Starve your brain's addiction to instant information, which in turn will renew and preserve your memory as you sleep. Not only that, you'll avoid the increased risk of depression that increased exposure to artificial light (from TV, computer and smart phone screens) has been shown to cause. Choose other “unwinding” activities for the pre-bed hours, such as board games, taking a class, reading a book, or simple and enjoyable chores.
Redecorate your bedroom.
New pillows, sheets, bed linens, darkening curtains, and other accessories that make you feel relaxed, cozy and eager to go to bed at night are well worth the money. But don't just focus on these elements: if you have a TV in the bedroom, move it elsewhere. Got a lot of clutter in your bedroom? Clear it out. Have a workspace in the bedroom? Relocate it. Experts agree that keeping the bedroom for sleep only is a vital way to ensure quality rest.
Keep a bedside journal.
When your head hits that pillow, does your mind start racing? Whatever's weighing on your mind will probably keep you tossing and turning, so keep a good old-fashioned journal and pen handy (don't use the smart phone). If no amount of deep breathing or meditation exercises have worked, write down your thoughts. Don't worry about being grammatically correct, just get them on the page so you can forget about them (at least until morning). Many believe that a great way to improve your memory is by forgetting more, which is certainly necessary when you need to be sleeping instead of stressing.
当你一头扎进枕头,你的大脑还没消停吗? 无论你心里在烦恼什么,都会让你辗转反侧,所以在手头准备好一本日记本和笔(不要用智能手机)。如果再多的深呼吸和冥想练习都不起效,那就写下你的语法。不要担心语法有没有正确,只需把它们写在纸上,至少在第二天早上以前,你可以忘了它们。很多人认为提高记忆的一个好方法是通过遗忘,当你需要入睡而不是处于压力之下时,这样做是有必要的。
Talk to your doctor.
If physical, mental, or emotional hardships are keeping you up at night, make an appointment with a physician, who may be able to diagnose an underlying cause that you're unaware of, or prescribe something to help you sleep through the pain or other distractions.
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