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The Mamma Mia factor
The rate seems to be rising fastest in Mediterranean countries: in Spain and Italy, cross-border marriages accounted for less than 5% of the total in 1995; by 2009, the share had reached 14% in Italy and 22% in Spain. Cyprus is a special case: no less than three-quarters of marriages there in 2009 were international (up from half in 1995). But that is because Venus’s birthplace has a thriving wedding-and-honeymoon market. Many couples from abroad wed there.
Such figures are based on wedding records. Another way of getting at the trends is census micro-data (ie, from detailed samples collected as part of the census). These have a wider coverage, are extremely precise, and go back decades, which is helpful. On the other hand, many countries do not provide them. Researchers from the Centre for Demographic Studies (Barcelona) and the Minnesota Population Centre have for the first time trawled through the censuses of more than 50 countries in every continent for people aged 25-39. In general, they find that cross-border marriages are rising in most places, but the most significant fact is the big difference between levels in rich and developing ones.
In most developing countries, the share of men married to foreign women was less than 2% in 2000 (0.7% in Ghana and Bolivia; 0.2% in Colombia and the Philippines; 3.3% in South Africa). In contrast, three rich countries—America, Britain and France—account for half the total in the sample. America alone has a third. Because it is so large, though, the share of international marriage remains low: only 4.6% of Americans were married to a foreigner in 2010, up from 2.4% in 1970.
Albert Esteve of the Autonomous University of Barcelona reckons that the total number of cross-border marriages among 25-39-year-olds in his sample was about 12m in 2000. The sample excludes several countries with large numbers of such unions—Japan, Taiwan, Australia and Canada—so the grand total is certainly higher, probably 15m, possibly more. Compared with the very roughly 500m marriages within that age group round the world, 15m may not seem like much. But it is more than it used to be and, in some countries—senders and recipients of foreign spouses alike—the growth in cross-border marriages is having a significant social impact.
巴塞罗那自治大学的Albert Esteve认为在他选择的样本中25到39的跨国婚姻的总数2000年大约是一千二百万。这个样本除去了日本、台湾、澳大利亚、加拿大的庞大数据,那么真正的总数必然更高,也许有一千五百万,更多也有可能。与这个世界上该年龄组五亿的夫妇相比,一千五百万似乎并不多。但是比以前多了很多,并且在一些国家婚嫁往来的增多正在深刻影响着社会。
Everywhere, cross-border marriage rises with migration, but more slowly. According to Mr Esteve’s figures, the correlation is roughly one international marriage for every two new migrants. That would seem to mean that half of new migrants are marrying into their host society and the other half (presumably) into their own communities. So a surge in immigration usually leads to only a more modest rise in cross-border marriages; the process is slower and more complex.
Research into four European countries by Suzana Koelet of the Free University of Brussels and others confirms that international marriages have not risen as much as one might have expected in Europe. On her calculations, rates of marriages with a person from another European Union country have been flat in Belgium and the Netherlands since 2000 and shown only a modest rise in Spain. Marriage rates between Swiss and EU citizens have also not budged. True, marriages with foreigners have increased sharply in Spain—but that was because of a spurt of marriages with non-EU citizens: Spain had huge immigration flows from Latin America during the 1990s and 2000s. By implication, the closer integration that the EU is supposed to be bringing about seems to be having no discernible impact on the marriage choices of Dutch, Belgian and Spanish citizens.
布鲁塞尔自由大学的Suzana Koelet等人对欧洲四国的研究结果证实国际婚姻在欧洲的发展状况并不是大家想象中的一夜暴涨,朝夕之间增长至此。根据她其他的计算结果,在比利时和荷兰,婚姻中一方来自欧盟其他成员国的增长情况并不景气,而在西班牙只呈现小幅整张。瑞士人和欧盟公民的结婚几率也并未改变。在西班牙,跨国婚姻虽然大幅增长,但是却不是欧盟成员国公民的功劳:上世纪末和这个世纪初,1990到2010年间,规模浩大的的拉美移民潮涌入西班牙。这才是真正的原因。这意味着,加入欧盟而带来的进一步社会融合似乎对荷兰、比利时和西班牙的婚姻选择没有明显的影响。
Why not? For part of the explanation, Ms Koelet points to the intriguing marriage patterns of the Swiss. The country has one of the highest rates of international marriage in the world (surpassed only by Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Cyprus). But the Swiss “marry out” in particular ways. The German-speaking Swiss marry largely neighbouring Germans; the Francophone Swiss marry the French; Italian-speakers marry Italians.It is the same with Belgians: Flemish-speakers tend to marry Dutch partners, Walloons marry French people. Language, it appears, remains a persistent barrier to international marriage in Europe and the spread of English as a second language does not seem to have changed that.
到底是卫生什么呢?Ms Koelet做出了部分解释,指出瑞士的婚姻模式的特别之处。瑞士是世界上跨国婚姻率最高的国家之一(只低于列支敦士登、卢森堡、塞浦路斯)。但是这高的跨国婚姻率的原因却特别。说德语的瑞士人大部分和邻近的德国人结婚,说法语的瑞士人和法国人结婚说意大利语的和意大利人结婚。比利时的情况亦然:说弗林明语(荷兰方言的一种)的和荷兰人结婚,Walloons marry French people.在欧洲,语言似乎永远都是跨国婚姻的障碍,即使将英语作为第二语言传播,也没有改变这个现状。
Asia is different. In Europe and America, marriage tends to follow migration. In Asia, people marry to migrate. Marriages in South Korea, for example, are often arranged by a broker in an unromantic process that takes two or three days and costs the Korean groom $20,000-30,000. Similarly, Taiwan has many marriages between its male citizens and Vietnamese women. The growth began when Taiwanese companies started investing in Vietnam
Local men in such countries, Mr Jones argues from Singapore, look for foreign brides for two reasons. First because of the so-called “marriage strike” affecting some East Asian societies. In the richer countries of East and South-East Asia, like Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, a third or more of local women are not marrying; and those who do wed late, at 31 or 32. This is causing some men to look to foreign shores for potential mates. The other reason—specific to a few Asian societies—is because a combination of traditional preference for sons and the availability of sex-selective abortion skewed the sex ratio at birth 20 years ago, leaving too few native-born women now. South Korea is an example. In 1990, it had 117 boys born for every 100 girls. Men are looking abroad to plug the gap in their local marriage market.
Mr Jones说,证据表明在这样的国家和地区,当地的男子娶外地的新娘,出于两个原因。首先是因为我们称之为“新娘罢工”的现象袭击着东亚社会。东亚和东南亚的富裕国家和地区,例如日本、新加坡、韩国、台湾,当地三分之一以上的适婚年龄的女子不结婚,或晚结婚31岁或32岁。这就导致了一些男士将目光投向海外,寻找合适的可能的伴侣。另一个原因是,在个别少数亚洲的国家,传统上的重男轻女加之20年前,无限制的人工选择性流产导致的出生性别比率倾斜而致使现在本国婚育年龄女子太少。例如韩国,1990年时,出生时男女比例为117比100.为了堵当地婚姻市场的窟窿,男人们只能转向海外。
For their part, the young women, often from poor areas of China and Vietnam, are looking for economic opportunities. Marriage with a man from a richer country is seen as a means of advancement and a way of helping their families at home. In Asia, it seems, cross-border unions are products of distorted local marriage markets; in Europe, they are results of gaps in labour markets that encourage migration. In both parts of the world, diasporas play a role: as immigrants settle down they encourage friends and family from back home to follow in their footsteps.